Monday 30 November 2009

Yes Man Book Review

There's a pretty good chance that you, the reader has heard of 'Yes Man' in the last year or so, probably because of the cinematic release starring Jim Carrey and Zooey Deschanel. Whether you enjoyed the movie or not I desperately urge you to pick up a copy of this book. I'll start by stressing that the movie is only based on the idea of Danny Wallace's true story and the series of events of each are completely different, excluding maybe, less than an egg cupful of instances.

Basically Danny feels like he isn't making the most of life and he's in a bit of rut but suddenly a stranger on a bus tells him to; "Say yes more." And so his journey of enlightenment and discovery begins!

I would tell you more about the sort of things he gets up to but it would ruin the spontaneity and fun of the story; and well, there's much going in a relitivly small space of time, its hard to comprehend or explain what actually happens, although I will stress that doesn't feel exagerated.

Mr Wallace's conversational style of writing makes this lessof a reading experience and more of a long friendly chat that has the potential to change your life. Even though our hero has some set backs along the way; his generally positive attitude is truly contagious! Every so often he takes a bit of a philosophical turn and I'll reveal that the last time he does this,naturally at the end of the book, I was trying to fight back the tears as so many home truths just came flooding back.

This was an inspiring, witty and all round pleasant read and I wouldn't be surprised if you have a go at it and find yourself trying out your own yes experiment, and believe you me; it's a hell of a lot of fun!

This book will really show you what living is all about and put a great, big smile on your face in the process.

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