I’m literally just in the door from seeing Avatar and I think I’m going to make this a pretty short and straight forward review as there’s nothing that I’ll say that many other reviewers haven’t already touched on. I was lucky enough to see it in 3-D and it was absolutely stunning. It was hard to resist reaching out in a futile attempt to touch the realistic use of special effects. I have heard that seeing it in 2-D is a waste of time and money since this glorious epic is purpose built for the third dimension but I can’t really make a solid judgement on that front for obvious reasons.
Plot wise, it was alright. Of course, it could’ve been better but I think this is a movie for admiration of cinematography and beauty than a subversive storyline. I did find myself easily disregarding names of characters and locations due to being immersed in innovative visuals. The story wasn’t emotive enough to make me cry and I didn’t laugh a whole lot either but it did effectively get it’s point across and once again cinema made me see that humans are twats who, after destroying their own world, have decided to mess with someone else’s. Dancing with Wolves and Pocahontas let us coil in shame as we witnessed an account of how the Western world wounded (to say the least) the Native Americans, Schindler's List let us observe how we turned on our own Western lifestyles so tragically because of religious and cultural hate and now Avatar is a vision of how we will possibly treat races on other planets in the future. This movie, like many others past and to come, has successfully made me ashamed to be human.
In conclusion, this is a must see just because it is the dawning of another new age of cinema. It’s a ground breaking epic and it defiantly has a better plot than James Cameron’s last real blockbuster Titanic and let’s face it, I think a lot of people went to the cinema to see that just to see the fail boat sink. He’s constantly pushing the bar and I’m keen to see what’s next, no doubt, it will be very pretty to look at.
Great review. Thanks.
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